Share YOUR Thoughts on the Alexandra Bridge!

Monday, September 30, 2024

Here’s an opportunity to provide feedback. Let Public Services and Procurement Canada and the National Capital Commission know that the most environmentally sustainable option is the retention of the historic bridge for active transportation use only.

NCC NOTICE: Alexandra Bridge Replacement Project Proposed Design Concepts 

The NCC is hosting two public consultation and information sessions for the Alexandra Bridge Replacement Project. These open-house events are an opportunity to view the proposed design concepts and provide your valuable feedback. 

  • Wednesday, October 2 | 4 - 9 pm | Canadian Museum of History, Gatineau
  • Thursday, October 3 | 4 - 9 pm | Shaw Centre, Gatineau Salon, 55 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa

Details regarding each open house can be FOUND ONLINE.

During these open houses, you will have a chance to:

  • View the proposed design concepts
  • Engage with project team members and ask questions
  • Provide you input and feedback on the proposed design concepts

An ONLINE PUBLIC CONSULTATION will also take place from October 1 to October 24. 

Should you have any accommodation requirements, please let the NCC know by email at or call 613-239-5000.  

For any questions, contact or 613-239-5000.

To find out more about the project, you can visit the following websites:

Public Services and Procurement | PSPC

NCC National Capital Commission | NCC