OTTAWA CITIZEN, By Peter Anderson
The division of the Central Experimental Farm is an attack on heritage designations and federal science. On Nov. 3, John Baird announced the transfer of 60 acres of the Farm from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada to the National Capital Commission who then offered a dollar-a-year lease to The Ottawa Hospital to build a new Civic Hospital campus.
The Farm, founded in 1886, is a National Historic Site of Canada and an important federal research station. The announcement is troubling when read alongside deep cuts across federal research institutions, including the cancellation of the long form census, the closure of libraries at Environment Canada, the attempts to shut down the Experimental Lakes Area in Northern Ontario, and the mishandling of Library and Archives Canada.
Initially the hub of the experimental farm service with branch farms across the country, today the Farm’s pastoral landscape is home to important scientific institutions including the Eastern Cereal and Oilseed Research Centre, the Canadian National Collection of Insects, Arachnids and Nematodes, the National Collection of Vascular Plants, and the Canadian Soil Information Service.
The Farm has faced threats before. The move to designate it a historic site came after its western portions were sold off for development in the 1990s. Earlier, during the era of parkway construction, AAFC’s Central Experimental Farm Committee vigorously opposed an NCC proposal to reroute Prince of Wales Drive through the Arboretum.
In the face of these and other threats, the designation of the Farm as a National Historic Site of Canada protects the valuable research station and green space from encroachment. Once part of the Farm is developed, it may be impossible to regain the land.
Alongside the Canada Pacific Railway, the research at the Farm played a central role in the development of Canada under Sir John A. Macdonald’s Conservative Party, including the colonization of the prairies. Marquis wheat is the most celebrated example. A hardy strain, it extended the limits of viable agricultural settlement in the Prairie Provinces and was key in establishing Canada as the breadbasket of the British Empire.
In addition to its scientific work, the Farm was and remains an important green space for Ottawa. Early scientists such as William Saunders and James Fletcher reached out to local organizations, including the Ottawa Field-Naturalists’ Club, establishing lasting relationships between dominion and citizen scientists. Today the OFNC runs the Fletcher Wildlife Garden, named in James’s honour, under a long-term lease.
Early urban planners, including the Ottawa Improvement Commission (a predecessor of the NCC), promoted the Farm as part of the city’s system of parks. This proved so popular that signs warned visitors against picking fruit and flowers and it became necessary to close the orchards during fruiting season to ensure scientists could accurately record the yield.
To be sure, the Farm hosts a number of institutions under long-term leases including the Canada Agriculture and Food Museum and the Fletcher Wildlife Garden. These institutions compliment the scientific and heritage value of the Farm, fitting neatly into its mandate.
A new hospital is certainly a worthy cause, but the NCC owns plenty of land including at LeBreton Flats and in the Greenbelt that could be used for a new campus and the Civic Hospital’s musings of using the Farm as a parking solution are worrisome.
Heritage designations are essential components of how governments recognize and celebrate Canadian history. They shouldn’t be discarded lightly and especially not on the whim of a cabinet minister without wide and meaningful consultation. The Farm is home to important scientific institutions whose work is under-appreciated in discussions about the Farm and undermined by proposals to develop it. The Farm plays a key role in the stories of both Canada and Ottawa and it deserves our respect and protection.
Peter Anderson is a PhD candidate in geography at Queen’s University.