Experimental Farm's Historic Status Can't Stop Hospital Plans

Photo: Pat McGrath / Ottawa Citizen

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

OTTAWA CITIZEN, by David Reevely

The Central Experimental Farm’s status as a historic site can’t stop the federal government from leasing out a chunk of it for a new hospital, Ottawa’s foremost heritage advocate says.

“Designation as a national historic site has absolutely zero enforceability. It’s simply an honorific,” says Leslie Maitland. She’s the president of Heritage Ottawa and spent decades as a heritage expert with the federal government.

The feds are ready to lease as much as 60 acres of the farm, along Carling Avenue, to The Ottawa Hospital to build a replacement for its much-patched Civic campus on the other side of the street, a plan announced Monday by local MP and senior minister John Baird.

“You don’t have to go too far to see that this is the beginning of the whittling away of the farm,” Maitland says.

The Civic is a Frankenstein complex of additions and renovations to an original structure that’s almost a century old and Maitland says she’ll be the first to write a cheque for the building fund. The question is whether an irreplaceable piece of property needs to be surrendered for it.

The Experimental Farm is special for two main reasons, she says.

One is its scientific history. “It’s the longest-lasting research station in Canada. It’s the best-documented piece of agricultural land in Canada,” Maitland says. “They know, since 1886, what’s been planted where.” Churn up 60 acres of it for a new building and that’s gone forever.

The other is its use as open green space — both as it is today and potentially in the future in a different form, as “Canada’s Hyde Park.”

We could value it one way or the other, both or neither, Maitland says. “This is a national historic site that belongs to all Canadians. OK. If they want to revisit it, let’s have a proper discussion of it.”

There is, despite the farm’s status, no way to force such a discussion. This is the problem with heritage designations, of whatever form: We grant them lightly and then remove them just as lightly. When a heritage protection for the Horticulture Building at Lansdowne Park became inconvenient, city council voted to de-designate it as a heritage building, move and renovate it, and then re-designate it.

Here, we’re just going to ignore the farm’s historic status.

The fields, the red “pencil posts” of the fences with their white tips, the lines of trees, all are mentioned in the farm’s listing on the national register of historic sites, and in much more detail in a recent management plan. Even — this is the important part for the hospital plan — views across the open land from Fisher and Carling avenues and “the view from any point along the periphery into the open fields” in general.

You can’t build a hospital that fills up the northwest corner of the farm without getting rid of the views. Not unless it hovers.

But it’s entirely up to the federal government whether to honour the elements that the federal government says make the farm historic, and that decision has been made. City council will eventually be asked to rezone the property to allow a hospital; in theory the federal government doesn’t have to follow city zoning rules, and in practice city council isn’t likely to stand in the way of a multibillion-dollar health project. Either way, don’t expect that to be a major obstacle.

“I’m not satisfied that they’ve looked at good alternatives,” Maitland says. There’s other federal land available. “The Greenbelt, for instance, was created for institutions. That’s why Nortel (was) there. How about LeBreton Flats?”

Or the Booth Street complex of government buildings, just a couple of long blocks away, if the hospital needs to stay on Carling Avenue. But the Booth Street complex is worth millions of dollars and just selling it off isn’t remotely as controversial as selling a piece of the Experimental Farm for condos would be.

Not that that’s never been done. Ashcroft built its Central Park subdivision west of Merivale Road on a tongue of the farm the federal government cut off in the 1980s. Though that at least took a two-step: The regional government of the day bought it with plans for a seniors-oriented community — then sold it when those plans fell apart.

Maybe we’re cavalier about slapping heritage designations on things. Having put one on the Experimental Farm, though, it ought to mean something.


Note from Heritage Ottawa: While designation as a National Historic Site is an honorific recognition, designation under the Ontario Heritage Act is a separate and distinct recognition that takes considerable effort to achieve, and affords specific protections to designated properties. Ottawa's Heritage Conservation Districts and many individual properties of heritage significance are designated and protected under the Ontario Heritage Act.


Read the commentary of Heritage Ottawa's Leslie Maitland regarding the Central Experimental Farm here.