At the public meeting of the Ottawa Hospital held on June 24, 2015 Leslie Maitland, Past President of Heritage Ottawa and Dr. Clarke Topp, Professor Emeritus presented the attached letter to the Chair of the Ottawa Hospital Board. The letter, signed by a coalition of 17 organizations and individual experts, outlines concerns for the future of the Central Experimental Farm in light of the proposed transfer of 60 acres of Farm property for development of a new Civic Hospital campus.
The letter appeals to the Ottawa Hospital to reconsider its role in this proposal, and return to its federal partners to consider other location options.
Assurance was provided that the letter would figure into the forthcoming consultations on the proposed transfer, scheduled to take place in fall 2015.
The 60 acre land transfer will significantly damage this National Historic Site of Canada and internationally significant research institution. Please consider joining the coalition in opposition of this action. To read the letter, click the PDF link below.