The federal archives is sitting on a backlog of 98,000 boxes of undocumented government records, some dating to 1890, says Canada’s auditor general.
Library and Archives Canada (LAC), which serves as the permanent repository for historically valuable government records, has vowed to come up with a plan to tackle the mountain of textual records, maps, microfiches, digital records and sound recordings by the end of 2015.
LAC also is in the midst of coping with $9.6-million in spending cuts over three years from the 2012 federal budget, resulting in about 215 job losses. The 2014-15 main estimates set spending at just less than $96 million.
In the meantime, no one is quite sure what bits and pieces of Canadian heritage lurk in the boxes, each of which will have to be searched manually.
There is a wealth of material to be sorted, including: 24,000 boxes of military records, 9,800 boxes from Transport Canada, 7,200 boxes from Industry Canada, 6,400 from Public Works and Government Services Canada, and 5,200 from Justice Canada.
But that’s not the only problem cited by auditor general Michael Ferguson in his report released Tuesday.
Even some documented records remain difficult to find. Many of the “finding aids” – information about records’ existence, description, location, and availability – supplied by the originating federal institutions vary in quality, according to the report.
The audit highlights particular difficulties for the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC), which has a mandate to collect and preserve an archival record of the Indian residential school system and legacy.
In the fall of 2013, archives and commission staff conducted a pilot project to identify as many student health-care records as possible. But they found 77 percent of those records had either nonexistent or incomplete finding aids.
Challenges included finding aids that listed boxes but did not describe box contents; described records that did not match the contents of boxes; or failed to identify all records in the boxes.
The delays have put TRC researchers under the gun in completing the commission’s final report, due out in June, on the legacy of physical and sexual abuse at Indian residential schools.
For its part, LAC drafted a plan last spring to identify and correct the finding aids’ deficiencies, which extends beyond the school system records.
Meanwhile, the institution is also looking at an uncertain transition to a digital future.
The audit found that from 2006 to 2011, LAC spent $15.4 million to build a customized digital repository. It was completed in 2011 but never used. Officials told auditors the institution had changed its approach from a “custom-developed solution to a hybrid approach,” which would include commercial off-the-shelf technology. Most of the hardware and software from the previous, unused system — valued at approximately $975,000—was repurposed.
What’s more, though LAC says digital records will represent its format of choice by 2017, “it could not provide us with a strategy for managing either the transfers of digital archival records from institutions or the expected increase in digital information that it must preserve and make accessible,” says the report.
The finding is important. The amount of records in digital format — so-called “digital born” — has grown significantly and doubles every two years. The organization says acquisition of digital-born archival records remains a key goal.
The audit also notes there was no analysis to determine whether LAC has the corporate capacity to manage a potential flood of future digital transfers from federal departments.
Liberal MP Stéphane Dion on Tuesday said government funding cuts have led to the “neglect” of countless historical federal documents and form part of a pattern that includes elimination of the long-form census and the cumulative impact of six years of budget cuts at Statistics Canada.
“The past is not something that’s important for this government because they are not driven so much by facts, but by ideology. And the less you have facts contradicting the ideology, the better it is,” he said.
LAC says by March 2015 it will have an approved digital strategy, “to firmly ground its acquisition, preservation, and access functions in the digital era.”