The National Capital Commission (NCC) will hold its Annual Public Meeting on Thursday, June 25.
Heritage Ottawa's President, David Jeanes, has registered the following questions with respect to the National Capital Commission`s role in the transfer of lands from the Central Experimental Farm. These lands form part of a national historic site and an internationally significant research institution.
Heritage Ottawa seeks the NCC's answers to the following questions.
1. Will the NCC ensure that the Central Experimental Farm Lands being transferred to the NCC remain available, undamaged and in their entirety, to Agriculture Canada for their purposes until the question of the Civic Hospital Campus is resolved?
2. Do the terms of the transfer of land from Agriculture Canada to the National Capital Commission specify that the land must be used for a hospital and only a hospital? If not, what is specified?
3. Will the NCC work with the Ottawa Hospital and others to continue to investigate other suitable sites for a new Civic Campus?
4. Should no hospital materialize for this location, will the NCC ensure the return of these lands, undamaged and in their entirety, to Agriculture Canada?
The Central Experimental Farm is on the current list of Canada's Top Ten Endangered Places, released on May 26, 2015 by the National Trust for Canada ( formerly known as Heritage Canada The National Trust ).
Heritage Ottawa continues to advocate for the preservation of the Central Experimental Farm.