Heritage Ottawa invites applications for the Gordon Cullingham Research and Publication Fund. The funding program was created in 2008 and named in honour of the late Gordon Cullingham, journalist, broadcaster, editor and heritage activist.
The funding program supports work on all aspects of the preservation of Ottawa's built heritage, such as its architectural history, biography, material and technological history, heritage conservation, cultural landscape and heritage planning. Funds can be awarded to assist research on an appropriate topic or to contribute to the publication of a book or article.
Funds may be awarded to an individual, team or not-for-profit historical, heritage or community organization or to a publisher.
Financial Award
The yearly maximum individual funding will not exceed $1,000 for research and $2,000 towards the cost of publication. A three-person jury will review the applications and will make an appropriate recommendation to the Heritage Ottawa Board of Directors. If no application is deemed worthy of support in a given year, no funding will be awarded.
Research fund applications should include an 800 word research proposal stating the nature of the research being proposed, how it meets the guidelines noted above, a brief resumé of the applicant(s), a budget for the project, the names of two references who can attest to the applicant's qualifications, and an indication of the potential for publication arising out of the research.
Publication fund applications should also provide a detailed publishing budget and three draft copies of an article or one draft copy of a book or monograph being considered for publication.
Submission and Deadlines
Three copies ( an original and two photocopies ) of each application should be submitted to Heritage Ottawa at :
Heritage Ottawa
Cullingham Fund Committee
2 Daly Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2
Applications can be sent by email to Please include the words "Gordon Cullingham Fund Application" in the subject line.
All applications must be received or postmarked no later than November 1, 2014. Application forms can be downloaded at the bottom of this page.
Successful Applicants
The successful applicant will be notified of the award by January 31, 2015.
Successful research fund applicants will agree to provide Heritage Ottawa with a copy of any written work resulting from the research supported by the Fund and will include the following credit line in any subsequent publication: "Research for this Work was financed in part by a Gordon Cullingham Research and Publication Fund awarded by Heritage Ottawa."
Successful publication fund applicants will provide proper credit in the publication consisting of the Heritage Ottawa logo and the credit line: "This publication received financial support from a Gordon Cullingham Research and Publication Fund awarded by Heritage Ottawa." Successful publication grant applicants will also provide Heritage Ottawa with six copies of the final publication.
Previous Grants
2014 - $ 1,000 research funds to Titania Truesdale for research on seven modern churches designed by Ottawa architect James Strutt.
2014 - $ 1,000 research funds to David Noble for engineering and design research on The Diefenbunker.
2013 - $ 1,000 research funds to Dorothy-Jane Smith for research about the community mausoleum at Ottawa's Beechwood Cemetery.
2012 - $ 1,000 research funds to Andrew Elliott for research on buildings along the Ottawa Improvement Commission's proposed ceremonial route in The Glebe.
2009 - $ 2,000 funds toward the publication of Quentin Gall's A Walking Guide: Ottawa's Building and Monuments Stones (Geological Association of Canada Miscellaneous Publication No. 7, 2009)
Application forms for the 2015 Gordon Cullingham Research and Publication Fund can be downloaded below.
Update: The 2015 funds were awarded at Ottawa City Hall on Heritage Day, February 17, 2015. Click here for more information.