Make a Donation

we've reached 89% of our fundraising goal -- and we need your help!

Missed GivingTuesday? Not to worry. Starting with GivingTuesday, a generous donor and our board of directors are matching the first $15,000 raised toward meeting our target of $35,000 to help insure Heritage Ottawa's sustainability. 

We have reached 89% of our target. Making a donation now will DOUBLE your gift! CLICK HERE to make a contribution and receive your tax receipt automatically via email.  

With your support we have been able to continue to speak out for heritage properties at risk, provide sought-after expert advice, maintain our track record of delivering quality educational programs and activities, and offer a range of communications tools that reach thousands. 

Our recent efforts on your behalf include:

  • Intervening on behalf of hundreds of heritage properties at risk of destruction or inappropriate intervention.
  • Encouraging the integration of heritage resources into City Planning strategies as the sustainable choice for our neighbourhoods. 
  • Advocating for the legal protection of the Central Experimental Farm to prevent further encroachment and for the implementation of the federal Historic Places of Canada Act
  • Fostering partnerships like the Alexandra Bridge Coalition to encourage due diligence studies around economic, environmental and cultural heritage aspects of the bridge.

We are asking you, our valued friends and supporters, to help us continue the work that we do by making a donation to Heritage Ottawa using the following options: 

  • Our secure online platform via CanadaHelps (see link in sidebar at right). A tax receipt will be issued automatically.
  • Making a donation of securities or mutual fund shares, an efficient way to give charitably since capital gains tax does not apply. Access the Donate Securities Form, and find out how it works, by CLICKING HERE
  • Sending a cheque to Heritage Ottawa, 2 Daly Avenue, Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2.

Only with your support can we continue to be heard. You help make a difference!

If you have already made a donation, we extend our heartfelt thanks.

Your contribution will be an investment in a proven, award-winning organization that has been championing the preservation of Ottawa's heritage for over 50 years. 

Heritage Ottawa is a federally incorporated Registered Charity.