Heritage Ottawa: Submissions to Built Heritage Subcommittee, April 2017 Agenda

Photo: Jean Luc Henry

Monday, April 10, 2017



The City of Ottawa's Built Heritage Sub-Committee (BHSC) meets monthly at Ottawa City Hall to review heritage applications and provide its recommendations. 

Three important applications will come before the Sub-Committee at its next meeting on Thursday, April 13.

Heritage Ottawa is asked to review and comment on applications that go before the Built Heritage Sub-Committee and on to Planning Committee. Our comments are presented below.


Application To Alter The Former St. Charles Church, 135 Barrette Street

Heritage Ottawa is very supportive of the proposal for adaptive reuse of the church building. While the ideal would be for a lower residential component that is more subordinate to the heritage church, overall we believe that the proposal is appropriate and results in preservation of an important heritage resource and landmark in the area.

Read the City Staff Report here


  •  BHSC recommended approval of the application at its meeting of April 13.
  •  Planning Committee recommended approval of the application at its meeting of April 25.
  •  City Council approved the application on May 10.


Application To Alter Somerset House, 352 Somerset Street West

Heritage Ottawa would be pleased to see Somerset House finally restored after years of neglect and inaction. This heritage building is an important landmark and gateway in the center of Ottawa. Continuing to allow it to remain in the current derelict condition is Intolerable.

We have two main areas on which we wish to comment: 1) the restoration of the portion that still exists following progressive demolitions of the rear portion, and 2) the new section proposed for the rear.

1. We are very encouraged by the plans for restoring the original heritage section and support the proposal for this part of the building. In particular, the proposal to restore the original corner tower is exemplary. Also of note are the plans to restore the metalwork and cornice. Overall, we are very pleased with the plans for restoring the existing portion of the heritage structure.

2. We have some concerns about the proposed new structure to be added to the east of the heritage structure. First, it is our understanding that it was a condition of permitting the demolition of the brick wall and bays along Somerset last year that the brick and bays be rebuilt to match what was there originally. We strongly believe that this should be done and incorporated into the proposed façade, and that a glass connector not replace those bays. Second, the proposed new portion should be more compatible. In particular, the horizontal features in the new addition should correspond to those in the heritage building. Echoing the vertical brick features and their ornaments is a positive feature. However, there appear to be horizontal bands above the first and second floors. If they are to be used, then they should be brick and align exactly with the horizontal elements in the heritage building. More importantly, the cornice shown on the new portion is overwhelming and detracts from the heritage building. It should be reduced in height. We note that the use of a vertical brick column at the rear corner, and in the inset on the glass façade is a positive feature of the design, as is the general echoing of the placement and size of the window openings in the inset.

Read the City Staff Report here


  •  BHSC recommended approval of the application at its meeting of April 13.
  •  Planning Committee recommended approval of the application at its meeting of April 25.
  •  City Council approved the application on May 10.


Application for Demolition and New Construction at 270 Buchan Road in the Rockliffe Park Heritage Conservation District

Heritage Ottawa is adamantly opposed to the demolition of this grade 1 structure in the Rockcliffe Park Heritage Conservation District. The newly enacted HCD Plan specifically prohibits this. We understand that the plan is under appeal by the applicant for this demolition and new construction, and therefore functions as Council policy. Nevertheless, this is a clear policy direction. Furthermore, this house is a major contributor to the district, and we believe that the previous Plan also precludes its demolition.

We are cognizant that this will be decided at the OMB. We urge that the strongest case possible be made against demolition. In particular, we believe that:  this house is a major contributor to the heritage attributes of the district, representing the larger houses on substantial lots being built in the district in the middle of the last century as Rockcliffe Park developed into a fashionable suburb. It contributes architecturally as an example of the revival styles typical of the larger homes that were built during the development of the district. In summary, it is our strong position that there is no possible justification for demolition of a grade 1, contributing building in a heritage conservation district.

Read the City Staff Report here

See Heritage Ottawa's additional advocacy efforts here. 


  • BHSC voted to refuse the application for demolition at its meeting of April 13
  • At the Planning Committee meeting of April 25, the original motion to refuse demolition failed. A subsequent motion passed, recommending that Council approve the demolition and "direct that Right of Way, Heritage and Urban Design Services staff work with the applicant to determine if any revisions should be made to the application for new construction, including which portions of the existing house can be preserved as part of any redevelopment."
  • City Council, at its meeting of May 24, voted 13-10 to refuse the application to demolish 270 Buchan Road.

CLICK HERE to see how the Mayor and individual councillors voted on this issue.



The BHSC will also consider other matters at its meeting of April 13 including

  • Removal Of Properties From The Heritage Register 2016          
  • Heritage Inventory Project: Additions To Heritage Register - Lowertown and Sandy Hill      
  • Heritage Permits Issued Through Delegated Authority 2016   

Read the City Staff Report here


  • Planning Committee approved the addition of buildings in Lowertown and Sandy Hill at its meeting of April 25.  City Council also approved the addition of buildings, with some amendments, on May 10.


The Built Heritage Sub-Committee meets on Thursday, 13 April 2017 at 9:30 a.m. in the Champlain Room at Ottawa City Hall.

The meeting is open to the public.  Individuals can submit comments on any application item in advance, or can register to speak for up to 5 minutes on any item on the Agenda. 

Reports and background documents for all items on the Agenda for April 13, 2017 are available here on the City of Ottawa website.

To send your comments or sign up as a speaker, contact committee coordinator Rosemary Theriault at 613-580-2424 ext. 21624 or Rosemary.Theriault@ottawa.ca .