Défense du patrimoine

Patrimoine Ottawa oeuvre pour la préservation du patrimoine bâti et des paysages culturels distinctifs d’Ottawa.  Nous prenons la parole pour défendre les biens du patrimoine méritoires qui sont à risque d’intervention inappropriée ou de démolition.

Le Domaine Billings, l’édifice de l’Est du Parlement, le Pavillon Aberdeen sont quelques-unes des propriétés qui ont bénéficié des efforts de défense de Patrimoine Ottawa.

Patrimoine Ottawa entretien des contacts avec le Département du patrimoine de la Ville d’Ottawa et fait régulièrement des présentations au Sous-comité du Patrimoine bâti, le Comité de planification et autres comités de la Ville.

Certaines des activités de défense de Patrimoine Ottawa, incluant des lettres et présentations au Sous-comité du Patrimoine bâti de la Ville, le Comité de planification et le Conseil municipal d’Ottawa sont disponibles sur ce site, ainsi que d’autres documents relatifs à la défense du patrimoine.

  • Coalition Fights to Save Experimental Farm in Ottawa
    Monday, January 25, 2016

    The Western Producer, By Robert Amason

    A coalition of scientists and heritage advocates are trying to save what may be the second oldest piece of agricultural research land in the world....

  • Why the Bradley-Craig Barn Should Remain in Place
    Sunday, January 24, 2016


    A growing number of citizens and local organizations are voicing their concerns that the landmark Bradley-Craig Farmstead - a designated heritage property - should remain...

  • 'Demolition by Neglect' of Ottawa's Heritage Properties is Addressed in Municipal By-law
    Tuesday, January 12, 2016


    The term "demolition by neglect" describes circumstances in which a heritage property is intentionally permitted to deteriorate to a state potentially beyond repair.  This...

  • Heritage Ottawa's Leslie Maitland Discusses 24 Sussex and Rideau Cottage with CBC Television
    Monday, November 2, 2015


    Heritage Ottawa's Leslie Maitland appeared on CBC Television's Our Ottawa today to discuss the heritage significance of 24 Sussex Drive and Rideau Cottage.


  • City Presents Draft of New Management Plan for New Edinburgh Heritage Conservation District
    Monday, August 24, 2015


    In consultation with members of the New Edinburgh Community Alliance and Heritage Ottawa, City Heritage staff have drafted a new Heritage Conservation District Plan for New...

  • Report on Built Heritage Sub-commiteee Meeting: August 13, 2015
    Friday, August 14, 2015

    HERITAGE OTTAWA, by Linda Hoad, Vice-President, Programs

    City Moves Towards New Heritage Designations

    There was a full agenda at the Built Heritage Sub-Committee (BHSC) meeting of August 13...

  • NCC's Role in the Proposed Transfer of 60 Acres from the Central Experimental Farm
    Tuesday, August 4, 2015


    At the public meeting of the National Capital Commission ( NCC)  Open House held on June 25, 2015, Heritage Ottawa President David Jeanes sought to clarify the role of the...

  • Continued Advocacy Efforts to Protect The Central Experimental Farm
    Tuesday, July 14, 2015


    At the public meeting of the Ottawa Hospital held on June 24, 2015  Leslie Maitland, Past President of Heritage Ottawa and Dr. Clarke Topp, Professor Emeritus presented the...

  • News Release: Group Takes Legal Action on Memorial to Victims of Communism
    Friday, June 26, 2015


    Today the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada, Heritage Ottawa, and architects Barry Padolsky and Shirley Blumberg began an application in the Federal Court challenging...

  • Advocating for Protection of the Central Experimental Farm, A National Historic Site of Canada
    Tuesday, June 23, 2015


    The National Capital Commission (NCC) will hold its Annual Public Meeting on Thursday, June 25.

    Heritage Ottawa's President, David Jeanes, has registered the...
