Défense du patrimoine

Patrimoine Ottawa oeuvre pour la préservation du patrimoine bâti et des paysages culturels distinctifs d’Ottawa.  Nous prenons la parole pour défendre les biens du patrimoine méritoires qui sont à risque d’intervention inappropriée ou de démolition.

Le Domaine Billings, l’édifice de l’Est du Parlement, le Pavillon Aberdeen sont quelques-unes des propriétés qui ont bénéficié des efforts de défense de Patrimoine Ottawa.

Patrimoine Ottawa entretien des contacts avec le Département du patrimoine de la Ville d’Ottawa et fait régulièrement des présentations au Sous-comité du Patrimoine bâti, le Comité de planification et autres comités de la Ville.

Certaines des activités de défense de Patrimoine Ottawa, incluant des lettres et présentations au Sous-comité du Patrimoine bâti de la Ville, le Comité de planification et le Conseil municipal d’Ottawa sont disponibles sur ce site, ainsi que d’autres documents relatifs à la défense du patrimoine.

  • Heritage in the Service of City Building: Celebrating 50 Years of Heritage Ottawa
    Monday, January 30, 2017

    Heritage Ottawa was honoured to have Councillor Tobi Nussbaum deliver the following keynote address at our January 'Heritage Ottawa at 50' event.

    By Councillor Tobi Nussbaum


  • Civic Hospital Relocation - Let's Save the Farm and Get this Right
    Thursday, December 1, 2016

    OTTAWA CITIZEN, by Leslie Maitland

    The last week has been a roller-coaster ride for the citizens of Ottawa. First, many were encouraged to see the National Capital Commission Board vote in...

  • Heritage Ottawa: Remarks on Revised Design of Proposed Addition to Château Laurier
    Sunday, November 27, 2016


    The Château Laurier, a prominent Ottawa landmark since 1912, is clearly a special place.

    A National Historic Site of Canada and a designated structure under the...

  • Heritage Ottawa Welcomes NCC Recommendation of Tunney's Pasture as Site for New Civic Hospital
    Friday, November 25, 2016

    HERITAGE OTTAWA, By Leslie Maitland

    Heritage Ottawa welcomes the National Capital Commission’s recommendation of Tunney’s Pasture as the preferred site for a new Civic Campus of The Ottawa...

  • Group unhappy with proposed makeup of planning advisory committee
    Monday, October 31, 2016

    METRO NEWS / OTTAWA, By Adam Kveton

    A new provincial bill is requiring cities like Ottawa to create planning advisory committees in an effort to encourage greater...

  • Last Chance to Make Your Views Known: NCC Online Survey Re: Hospital Location Closes Today
    Thursday, October 6, 2016

    Today, October 6,  is the last day to have your say on the location of a future hospital campus.

    Heritage Ottawa remains concerned for the future of the Central Experimental Farm. There is...

  • Padolsky: Save the environment - Put the Civic hospital campus on the LRT line
    Tuesday, September 20, 2016

    OTTAWA CITIZEN, By Barry Padolsky

    In November 2014, the former Stephen Harper government allocated 60 acres of the Central Experimental Farm, a National Historic Site, for a new Civic...

  • NCC lists a dozen possible sites for the rebuilt Ottawa Hospital
    Monday, September 12, 2016

    OTTAWA SUN, By Don Butler

    The National Capital Commission will review 12 potential sites for the new $2-billion Civic campus of The Ottawa Hospital, including four on contested Central...

  • Ottawa's Outdoor Lab: Central Experimental Farm Research in the Era of Climate Change
    Friday, September 9, 2016

    Heritage Ottawa continues to advocate for protection of the Central Experimental Farm, a National Historic Site of Canada and active scientific research facility of global significance. The Farm...

  • Patrimoine Ottawa: Un Musée National du Portrait à 100, Wellington
    Tuesday, September 6, 2016



    Le 18 août, plusieurs membres du conseil d’administration du Patrimoine Ottawa ont pris l’occasion de visiter...
